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Split Ends, the lo-down

Split Ends, the lo-down

Split ends can be a never ending saga!  Some struggle with them more than others, but there are ways to treat them and try to improve the health of the ends of your hair.

What are split ends?

Split hair or split ends as we refer to them are known in the beauty Industry as Trichoptilosis.  There are a number of reasons that could cause them, sometimes using a lot of heat products can cause split ends, or overuse of chemical based products or styling products, or maybe it’s been a while since the hair has been trimmed.

What can I do about them?

The best thing you can do is consult your hair professional, it might be that a good trim of the ends is in order to give the hair a good chance to grow healthily.   If you’ve recently had a hair cut though, you might like to try some of the following natural remedies.

Natural Remedies

Egg Shampoo – For this treatment, all you need is an ounce of rosemary, preferably fresh, a pint of hot water, and one egg. What you want to do is steep your rosemary in the hot water for about 20 minutes, then let it cool. Once it’s cooled down, beat your egg into it, then massage the mix into your hair and rinse, just as you would with a regular shampoo.

Castor Oil Tonic – Castor oil is helpful for a wide range of things. Just mix equal amounts of castor oil, mustard oil, and olive oil – again, the amount you mix depends on the length and thickness of your hair. All you have to do is apply the mix into your hair, then wrap it up in a towel and let it set for 30 minutes. You definitely want to shampoo when you wash it out!

Honey – Honey is fantastic for home hair treatments of  split ends, especially when you mix it with curd. All you need is a half cup of curd and a tablespoon of honey, mix together well. Massage it into your hair, paying particular attention to the ends, and leave it there for 20 minutes. When you rinse, just use water.  This will not only treat your split ends, but you’ll be walking around with some amazing shine!

Do you have a home remedy you’ve used before?  Why not CLICK HERE to jump over to our Facebook page and share with us!