JAL Hairdresser

JAL Hairdresser

1/77 Archer ST
Chatswood, NSW 2067

Phone: 02 8541 4279

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JAL Hair Team comprises of top international and local hair experts. They bring to the salon their own persoanl flair and area of expertise. The result of this is a dynamic and creative environment, sharing ideas and latest styling techniques, along with an ongoing education process to continually maintain our high standard. 

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(This listing has been viewed 1732 times since 30-04-2015)

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JAL Hairdresser at Chatswood
No.1 high-ends Salon at Chatswood. Shop1/77 Archer ST,Chatswood (02) 8541 4279

JAL Hairdresser at Chatswood
No.1 high-ends Salon at Chatswood. Shop1/77 Archer ST,Chatswood (02) 8541 4279

SHISEIDO Specialist
JAL Hair Team is experts SHISEIDO Hair Straghtening.

JAL Hairdresser at Chatswood
No.1 high-ends Salon at Chatswood. Shop1/77 Archer ST,Chatswood (02) 8541 4279

JAL Hairdresser
The Luxurious Experience
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