Newcastle & Hunter Hair Extensions

Newcastle & Hunter Hair Extensions

Newcastle & Hunter, NSW 2325

Phone: 0417839560

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offer a professional service to give you gorgeous long hair and a new look within hours.

At Newcastle Hair Extensions, we can make thin hair thick, short hair long or damaged hair look great again, with only the best of 100% remi human hair in the length that you want!

Newcastle Hair Extensions uses advanced microlink strand tecniques that does not use chemicals such as glue, rubber or wax in your hair, therefore little to no damage to your own hair.Our extensions look great and are easy to care for. A full upkeep service is also available to keep your hair looking fantastic month after month!  BOOK today and mention the code July25 to receive a HUGE 25% OFF a full head of hair extensions. *

Appointments are available after hours and on weekends to suit the busy working lifestyle.

Call or text Robyn on 0417839560 or  with your enquiry and we will contact you within 24 hours.

* offer valid for bookings taken between the 14/7/2010 and 14/8/2010 

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(This listing has been viewed 5797 times since 18-08-2009)

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