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Working with Henna

Henna Requires Proper Application In Order To Experience Its Benefits

It is natural for hairdressers to not be very enthusiastic about henna, as this product directly impacts their business. After all, once you henna your hair, it is not possible to apply any dye on it.

Many people, though, have their own apprehensions about applying this wonderful hair care product. They have seen cases of hair going green or becoming straw-coloured and do not want that to happen to them. That is because people have not taken the trouble of doing a strand test to verify whether any prior application of a dye will have an adverse impact on henna – and have paid the price for it.

However, the advantage for those applying henna properly is that it can lend great lustre and silkiness to the hair, and you do not have to dye your hair for some months. The only care to be taken when you apply it for the first time is that you should not do so if you have recently dyed your hair. You must wait for a couple of months at least, make sure that the dye is totally washed out of your hair, get a strand test done, and only then apply henna.

The application of henna is a cheaper process and you can do it in your home, so there is no need to wait impatiently at the hairdressers’. Though the process can be a laborious one and you may have to put up with its rather grassy odour, this product is a much better and healthier option as compared to the various chemical dyes doing business in the market.